Thursday, April 14, 2005

Intelligent Posts??? AS IF!!!!

As I was digging in my bra I got to thinking about food. (probably because that's what I usually find in my bra on a daily basis) I was trying to think of what to have for dinner. Then I remembered we had leftover spaghetti. Or sghetti, or pasghetti, how ever you call it in your house. We say pasghetti most of the time. Then that got me to thinking about the weird things some people say for some foods. I have always been told that when I was a kid I could not say "hamburger" I said it hand a gurber. Then I thought of the three things that my son always say different. And let me tell you, if you said it different from him, he would get so very ticked off. Yogurt was yogret, milk was nilp, and marshmellows were SSSmarshmellows. No exceptions. hehehe My mother and a friend of mine for the life of them can NOT say pumpkin, they say punkin. I don't know why, but that one has always annoyed me.

OOoO I bet spell check is gonna have a field day with this one. hehehehe

I have nothing else except air in my head, so this is as good as it gets people.

Did you all call food weird names??? What were they??


Julie said...

My nannie would put a can of tomato soup in a sauce pan and add cheese, garlic powder and whorsheshire sauce and we would pour it over crumbled crackers and called it 'rinkdem diddy'.
My mom made ground beef w/ onions and dawn mushroom gravy and put over rice and we called it 'gerp'... i have no idea why.. and that's grown ups calling it that!

Burfica said...

LOL Julie I almost forgot that we have a cold side dish that was dubbed (by mother and an uncle) "Pink Poofoo" we still call it that. LOL

Dorko said...

You people are making me hungry... runs to kitchen (gets lost inside fridge)

Alekx said...

Not food but how bout WARSH for wash
rasslin' for wrestling

What the hell did we call that hamburger, tomatoe sauce and rice thing over hamburger buns that we can't even think about eating anymore cuz mom could make that last a week when we had 0 money to eat with.

Poofoo is the bestest especially with glazed ham dipped in it. Turkey dipped in it is good too, hmmm wonder how french fries dipped in it would taste since french fries dipped in choclate milkshakes rocks....
Pruchetto ham wrapped around cantalope is pretty good to
Okay I got totally off subject didn't I. Ah well maybe it'll help the comments run amok as well.

ThreeOliveMartini said...

trying to think.. we would have burgoo.. but that is a real thing in kentucky not made up or some sort of crazy dish you make with left overs..

there was always the shit on a shingle in our house the day after roast.. its shredded roast mixed with mushroom soup spread over toast.. but i think that is pretty normal..

we would call spaghetti ..sketti...but jsut because we were silly .. my niece called yogurt ..gogurt..and my little sister would call vanilla wafers nummy nums...

Jim said...

where i come from (Goa, India)
we speak konkani
and the word for pussy is 'FUUD'

konkani is a weird lang
when we cuss we say 'tujo maicho go'
which translates in to 'yr moms husband'

visit GOA
gr8 place
the place to be is Anjuna, Vagathor, Bardez, GOA

there is a secluded beach where u can tan all over

Julie said...

What is in pink poofoo? inquiring minds Have to know this!

Azathoth100 said...

Not wierd ways of saying them no, but back when i was living with Isis and Ant I used to tell Ant wierd stuff about food. I had her believeing (for a while) that the Sun was made of mustard (thats why it's yellow and hot) Artichokes didn't exist (they're like the emporer's new clothes, no can see them but nobody wants to be the first to admit it) Eggplant is satanic (it was used by evil people to do evil things) there was only one piece of Celery in the whole world (but it grew really fast wich is why there's so much around)and gum was flavored whale fat (which was true in the old days). Isis hated me.

Burfica said...

Dorko---find anything good??

Blackie--I know somone that says pizza that way, makes me wanna shoot them.

Alekx--hamburger,rice thingie was dubbed "goolash" by mom

Olive--What in sams name is burgoo??

Saby--my hubby saw lots of nude beaches when he was in Italy

Julie--Pink Poofoo = one tub of whip cream, mix one pack of cherry jello powder in till smoth, mix one container of cottage cheese, mix one can of drained pineapple chunks, and chill. good eats

Hof--my hubby says Sam-itch all the time too. It's so common here, I didn't think of it.

Aza--Satanic Eggplant?? now why didn't I think of that?? You rock dude!!!

kitten said...

we have samwictches..and pasketti.

As I avoid cooking, as often as possibel...i have become very creative with the kid food. I can make a shesh kabob out of just about anything. Marshmallows with oranges and yogurt to dip them in is a good on.

god, i gottta go eat....

Blog ho said...

you have food in your bra? that's sweet.

MomThatsNuts said...

We have weird names for resturaunts. Fudruckers, a hamburger joint became FUDGIES....Mi Amigos a mexican food place is MungaMios...thats what happens when an 8 year old troll~ing gets to be in charge of picking the place to eat. This desert I make, that has a crust, cream cheese, pudding and cool whip is called ZERP because the troll~ing couldnt say dessert...
good times


~SugarBear~ said...

Both my sons called "lemonaide" a weird name they called it "le-nem-aide". Trying saying that five times fast!