Friday, April 08, 2005

Random Friday AGAIN

It's always random with me on Fridays. hehehee

First of all, the suburban is fixed. To the tune of 80 bucks. We took it in to have it put on the scope, because we thought it was the oxygen sensor. (200 dollar part people, not counting labor) The guy said it could be one of 7 sensors, but to maybe change the spark plugs first and see if that does it. We were like well we just changed them like 2 weeks ago. But decided to see anyway. Gigantor got new more expensive spark plugs (4.00 a plug) (he wanted the Bosch Platinum plus 4's but I don't have 8.99 a plug to spend) So he puts them in and Suburban runs great. At least we got a refund on the old plugs. The parts people said two of them were broke and one was bad.

My poor kiddo. I kept him home from school on Wed, cuz of his cold symptoms. On Wednesday night he started crying and saying his ear hurt (right one) Now my kid never does this. In his almost 9 years, he's had ONE ear infection. So..then he starts throwing up. I thought oh great, massive ear infection. He wakes up Thursday and seems perfect. In the time he got dressed and started eating so he could go to school, he started coughing. Then he goes "mommy my ear is starting to hurt again, and now my left one is hurting too" FUCK So...I take him into the doctor and end up getting 3 prescriptions. On the bright side, there is not ear infection and there is no sinus infection. But I couldn't get the congestion under control, so they gave me some heavy duty decongestant. And 2 ear drops. His ear canal on the left and right is irritated to the point of raw skin. And his ear drum on his right is so irritated it's almost and open sore. Then...get this... they tell me he needs another hep b shot. I'm like "WHAT" "he doesn't need any shots till he's 11" I'm a parent that keeps those up to date people. They then proceed to tell me that, because of their screw up, he got his one month early when he was 6 months old, so it makes it void. And the nurse is standing there holding the shot in her hand, and kiddo is almost crying cuz I promised him no shots this visit. So...something inside of me snapped. I stand up, back this nurse into the hallway and start yelling. Gigantor and kiddo just stand behind me all quite till I was done then they walk out right behind me. They know when to not mess with mama bear when she is pissed. So here is what I yell YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT YOU IGNORANT ASSES CAN'T FUCKING COUNT TO 6 PROPERLY, AND THEN CAN'T FIGURE OUT THAT IT'S WRONG UNTIL THE CHILD IS ALMOST 9 FUCKING YEARS OLD???? YOU MAY NOT GIVE MY CHILD A SHOT TODAY!! I TOLD HIM NO SHOTS TODAY!! HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME WAIT 2 1/2 FUCKING HOURS TO SEE A DOCTOR FOR FIVE FUCKING MINUTES THEN TELL ME YOU SCREWED UP ABOUT MY CHILD'S HEALTH!!!!!! The nurse says "you have every right to refuse it, but it's law to get your child their imunizations" OMG people wrong thing to say. Now I'm pointing at her chest, and she has a crowd of nurses and 3 doctors in the hallway watching I AM NOT ILLEGAL!!! I GOT HIM HIS SHOTS!! YOUR ILLEGAL!! AND IF YOU WANT TO PUSH IT I WILL TAKE ALL YOU STUPID ASSES TO COURT!!! I WILL GET MY CHILD THAT SHOT, BUT NOT TODAY!!! I WILL GET HIM THE SHOT WHEN HE IS FEELING BETTER AND I CAN PREPARE HIM SO HE ISN'T HYSTERICAL!!!! I start to walk off then whip around, and the nurse is cowering in a corner still holding that dumb shot. I say IF YOU TRY TO CHARGE ME FOR THAT FUCKING SHOT, OR THE NEXT ONE YOU GIVE HIM BECAUSE OF YOUR SCREW UP, THEN I WILL SHOVE THE FUCKING NEEDLE IN YOUR EYE!!!!! and I walked out. Gigantor and kiddo followed me, and we got in the suburban, and kiddo does this surprised whistle noise and Gigantor goes DAYUM honey. And they all start laughing. I can be pushed and pushed and pushed and never say anything, but then I just snap. You don't want to be around me when I just snap. And you definitely don't want to be screwing with my child or husband when I decide to snap. I'm not saying I'm some bad ass or anything, (that would be Alekx) but I can blow a gasket from time to time.

I thought long and hard about if I should say anything about the comments that Saby has been leaving on my blog past couple entries. First comment I was blowing off. But Kitten and Alekx jumped up real quick, as did some others. I was still sorta blowing it off. But then he came back and commented on the last entry. Saying he was just trying to be funny, and I should take it that way. Let me just say this one thing. If you have never talked to a person, or commented to them or struck up any kind of dialogue with them, then I DON'T think it's funny to go on and call them names. Like dumb and healthy (he said it meant fat) and fatty and other things. I think that is NOT funny, that is rude. You don't know me. How do you know that that doesn't hurt a person real bad. It's one thing to tease with them without calling names. Its another to come across as hateful and rude. If that wasn't your intention then fine. Maybe you don't know how to express yourself very well. But I do think you should make it clear that you didn't mean to hurt feelings without calling names. If you can't or don't know how to make amends without calling rude names, then that is your problem/fault, not mine.
And it doesn't upset me to bad, because I don't know this person, it would be more hurtful from someone I know. I wish you all the best Saby, maybe you can figure it all out someday.

Happy Friday all I'm off to an Avon meeting, and good sex after. hehehehe
(just thought I would dump that in there and make you all either go get some yourself or jealous.) hehehehe


kitten said...

Remind me to NEVER EVER piss you off. he he . Poor kiddo...and what kind of Doctor makes you wait two and a half HOURS! My God.....I guess I am lucky, my pedi always takes me pretty much whenever I need to.Sick kids shouldnt have to wait that long. Did Gigantor give you the big high five after that???

Have a good weekend, Burf.

Jim said...

my apologies, and
pleeeeeeez .... pleeez ..
pleeez ask mel to forgive me

ThreeOliveMartini said...

ummm... almost afraind to comment .. LOL just kidding...i would have been mad too.. and i would have said worse so dont feel bad .. and i know yo udont LOL... way to go girl.. i know you take alot but when it comes to the kid .. there is only so much you will or will let happen to him .. good on you for standing your ground..

Azathoth100 said...

Kick a** Sweetie. I pulled a stunt like that when my Mom was in the hospital with her cancer the frist time and the Doc wouldn't give her pain medication. It took 6 security guards to get me to let go of him. Needless to say they changed who her doctor was that night and the first thing the new one did was give her pain meds. Heh. Hope you enjoy your sex.

Jim said...

Tanks Burfica
for putting in a word wid Mel
i love America and u

reason i called u fat is coz i love fat woomen

Jim said...

i got it all figured out now
when u talking wid an american wooman

avoid using words like plump, fat, old, hairy, dumb or dumber

never never say anyting against 'God and Cuntry'

but it's OK to piss on Bush
and bash up indians who are stealing our jobs

and it's OK to ridicule catliks and other church goers and Popes

Jim said...

... but i still dont no
wat the hell or
who the hell is a 'bagel'

Burfica said...

saby to funny hun. A bagel is the bread thing that has a hole in the middle like a donut.

Here's to us getting off to a better start, and respecting each other.

MomThatsNuts said...

Sounds like ME the time my son was accused of writing "MRS S IS A BITCH" on a desk at school and the vice principle made him empty his backpack and was looking for papers to do a handwriting comparision. You never saw a grown man cower to a 5'2 ball of dynamite before. I said EXCUSE ME MR L. ARE YOU TELLING ME, THAT YOU ARE A HAND WRITING ANALYSIS EXPERT OR THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT PROVIDES YOU WITH ONE? I was at work when I gave him the what for and told him never EVER to question my child without his parent present again. When I finished everyone stood up and clapped!!!!
Poor kiddo!! My younger one had surgery twice for those darn ears!!! all the wind isnt helping huh? Ahhh joy and happiness.....

Julie said...

You are one rocking Mom! I would have loved for my mom to do that for me at the dr's office, seems I got a shot every time I went!
I can't believe they messed up like that, that sucks big time. I would venture a guess that they will be more cautious now. I believe you have taught several lessons this weekend! Glad you got the truck running! brand new spark plugs showing out like that, you can't buy anything good anymore.. the first time at least. Thats frustrating crap.

BM, The Necessary Movement said...


Cheers to random days!!

Dorko said...

1. I'm jealous. (The chaste thing is safe but really ba-o-o-oring)
2. I suspected you'd give Sabe a 2nd chance. After all you're no stranger to hanging with folks who think they're funnier than what they really are! [I'm a prime example -A? hehehee]
3. Burfica, You ROCK! You did yourself and kiddo proud that day.
I was about kiddo's age when Doc. Lineagar and his evil nurse, Thelma, tried to pull that surprise shot thing on me. Only I was on my own! I got no support from Mother. I had not been told I'd be receiving an injection that day. And when the bright idea came up I vetoed. I told them I required some notice & that it just wasn't going to happen that day as they had failed to provide the proper advance notice.
I remember I stood my ground as bravely as any a little child could! A scuffle ensued. I did, indeed, end up with a shot that day - in the hip, for cryin' out loud, however it took the Doctor and EVERY AVAILABLE STAFF MEMBER THAT HE HAD, holding me down to git 'er done!

My mother complained that I "embarrassed her" however, I have always felt this "sting" was one of my first brushes with betrayal. She was just a little too willing to let other people hurt me without regard to my feelings in the matter. (In her defense I submit that people didn't question MDs then, like they do now)
On the lighter side I, made a great & ever lasting impression on my little brother and big sister! Both of them remember to this day, how wild and valiantly I faught & the sheer number of adults it took to subdue me! :) Kiddo is a blessed child. Cheerio, Burfica, Cheerio!