Friday, April 01, 2005

Random Friday

All I've got today is random stuff. Hope you all don't mind. First of all Julie, I got that flarp stuff at Walmart. So...yeah I'm sure almost anywhere has it.

Man my Dogs are in so much trouble today. They have to spend the entire day outside, and maybe part of tonight. I have had the kiddo's Easter basket in the same place since Easter. Sitting there, on a shelf, not to high, so he can get into it and play with stuff or eat his candy.'s been there almost a week. And one of those bark fuckers got into his basket and ate his chocolate bunny. The one, as he says, he was waiting to "savor" this weekend. Not only did I find the wrapper to the chocolate bunny, but I found the little fuzzy chick that chirps in your hand. Stranded in the middle of the living room, covered in chocolate drool!!! (it was a stuffed animal people) Those dogs are lucky they ran outside when I started yelling. Cuz I was ready to kick some butt. I hope whoever ate it has horrible tummy cramps!!!!

Okay we had parent teacher conferences yesterday. He is doing pretty good. I'm surprised with all the school he missed. He missed 9 days and tardy 2 with all this stuff with mom going on. His reading is still way below, but they are starting testing on the 4th to find out if he's dyslexic. His writing has way way improved. His spelling still sucks. He got a D in that. But most everything jumped from the 60 to 70 percent range to being in 86 up to 100 percent range. I think that is awesome. He did get one I (incomplete) That was in Art. Probably cuz he missed so much school. Besides I don't like his art teacher she is major flake. They have never been able to do anything but draw in her class. What happened to crafts that are art??? The work with clay, ceramics, shrink art, stained glass?? I mean when I was his age I had already made numbers of pencil holders and bowls and pots, and hanging things for my mom. All we get is drawings. guuuuggghhhh

OMG I have to tell you all about Wednesday. Kiddo comes running out the the suburban after school, and announces. "MOM I GOT IN A HUGE FIGHT TODAY" I'm like WHAT???? So...let me tell you all how this happened and what happened. My son has been the target of bullying since kindergarten. In Kinder and first grade he would get choked, punched, and pushed off playground equipment. I was always up at the school rattling heads. In 2nd grade he got severely bullied by a kid in his class. I finally had to threaten the school with a lawyer before they took care of it all the way. And this year just a month or so ago, he got beat up by two kids right out front of the office windows. Apparently none of those fuckwits saw anything. Thank god his little friend jumped in and helped him and they all ran away and told me. I then went in search for the little shits so I could beat them, but they were gone. So..I proceeded to go in the school and demand to talk to the principal and vice principal. Well..everything had seemed to be taken care of, and going good. Now my son is huge like his daddy. He is going to be a Gigantor when he grows up too. So...I had had it. I tell the kiddo. I say "honey you are big and stong, next time someone come's up and tries to beat you up or hurt you. I want you to knock the fuck out of them" After he scolded me for saying a "bad word" he told me that he didn't want to cuz he would get in trouble. With me and dad, with school, and with his taekwondo teacher (cuz he was told to never use it to fight (meaning beating someone up)) So...I sit him down with daddy and taekwondo teacher and say. Son, I will not be mad at you and you will not get in trouble with me, for defending yourself. You have to stick up for yourself, and if that means beating someone up who started a fight with you, then so be it. I said, Yes you probably will get in some trouble at school. But not with me and daddy. And Master Clark says, "right you need to defend yourself" So..Master Clark and daddy go about teaching the kiddo some moves. He was told by all of us that he better NOT start a fight, but by god he should finish it!!!

So...Wednesday. This kid B was chasing the kiddo's friend T. And kiddo runs up and yells BACK OFF I know taekwondo, and B goes okay okay backing off. At which point a 4th grader (my son is in 3rd) Runs up and punches the kiddo in the stomach then jumps on his back. Kiddo like lost it. He was so pissed, and tired of getting beat up on. He finally snapped. Kiddo elbows this guy in the stomach. Then the bully grabs kiddo's hood and shirt from behind and starts punching him in the kidneys. Kiddo grabs this kids wrist. (wraps his two hands around his forearm) and kiddo DROPS this move is to get out of an assailants grip and to try and break their wrist. (thank god he didn't bread his wrist) And the bully hollars and kicks kiddo in the head and stomach. Almost broke kiddo's glasses. Well my angel lost it then, and started doing thrust punches with the really strong KIAAAAA yell. And kiddo was doing snap kicks. And this huge crowd had gathered and was cheering the 4th grader on. Well...Mr. bully tried to run away. (which kiddo should have let him go and went and told an adult) But kiddo had turned into an angry man, and chased him down, and proceeded to beat the tar out of this 4th grade bully. this time a teachers aid, seen the commotion and came over and had to pull the kiddo off of this kid. She then took them both to their teachers, who in turn took them to the vice principal. They both have to go to the "stop room" at lunch recess and afternoon recess today. (it's sorta like a time out room where you have to study hard and talk about what you did wrong) On the bright side though. Kiddo's teacher adores him, and she was ticked that a 4th grader accosted the baby. So...she didn't let them blame anything on kiddo. Other than that he WAS indeed fighting. So..he didn't get as harsh a punishment. Also...this 4th grader came up to kiddo yesterday and apologized. And kiddo was such a good man, he said he was sorry for beating him up. hehehehee
So...all the family reassured him that he was not in trouble, and that we were indeed proud of him, and to tell him again, that if at all possible he should NOT fight, he should get the heck out of there. Kiddo says. "I had had it. I'm tired of getting picked on. Nobody is gonna do it anymore"

You go kiddo *proud smiles*

My daddy says hopefully next bully or two that he beats up will UN mark him as a target, cuz they will know not to mess with him. Gosh I hope so.

Anywhoooo that was my exciting couple days.

Happy Friday everyone. Enjoy your weekend!!!!!!


kitten said...

I had parent teacher yesterday too..It was for Levi, who is my "difficult"one...we had just changed his I cant really get upset yet..he has to catch up...but his grades were like kiddos..especially math. ugh. we started doing an hour of multiplication last night..hes not amused.

good for kiddo standing up for himself. WTF with these teachers NOT seeing the bullying going on for chissakes!
have a great weekend, Burf..

Alekx said...

I'm proud of the kiddo. He definatly needed to start standing up for himself. Because he's so easy going like his daddy that made it easy for other kids to pick on.

I'm still laughing about the 4th grader saying I'm sorry for starting a fight with you and Kiddo saying "I'm sorry for beating you up"


Tim said...

Kiddo sounds like a bad ass.

BM, The Necessary Movement said...

My monkey is only 20 months. it's amazing to think I will have to go to those parent teacher thangs!! Wow!! neat.

have a great friday!!!

ThreeOliveMartini said...

glad to hear about him standing up for him .. that is always a good thing....he is such a little sweetie.. you have a good weekend too!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry, I just laughed so incredibly hard at the term "bark fuckers."

Julie said...

Sorry about the dogs - our dog once ate a whole lb box of godiva chocolates we got for christmas, damn dog.
I'm proud of the kiddo and of you all for empowering him. I used to be picked on by this girl up the street and my nan told me to knock the hell out of her and run home the next time and so I did, I punched the crap out of her and took of running. Her mom called later to complain to my mom and my nan took care of it. It was never a problem again.

Phoenix5 said...

WTG, Kiddo! I too was the target for bullies while growing up. Unfortunately, I broke my arm when 8 and 11, so that made me more of a target. It wasn't until I was in Grade 7 (age 12) that I learned to stand up for myself... and what a powerful feeling THAT was! It was very liberating! I agree with your philosophy.. never start a fight, but make sure you finish any that come your way! Way to go to you parents too for removing the constraints!

Azathoth100 said...

Kick A** Kiddo! My Ant's like that. In the short time (3 years) I helped raise my ex's daughter I taught her to punch. At last report she kicked some bullies a** for smacking her, then kicked the a** of the bullies big sister who was 4 grades higher.

Julie said...

I looked all over walmart dammit, and found nothing like that!

MomThatsNuts said...

We have also had many cans of FLARP here..sometimes its called ooze or goo or something Julie, some has Nickelodeon on it. I have always told my boys NEVER to start anything but if it GETS started they make sure to finish it! I bet no one will pick on kiddo anymore, and thats a good thing...I have this brother, who's mouth was always writing checks his body couldnt cash.....he deserved it when he got it though,,,,lol

Dorko said...

"They" say chocolate is poisonous to dogs...but I've never seen one go down over it. Humph!?

Wow. Kiddo & me could be cut from the same cookie dough, though.
Looks like it is NOT a good idea to over doo and get us REALLY, really angry... still a kid's gotta do what a kid's gotta do! (Longsuffering goes only so far in the face of bullies!)

Rock on Kiddo!