That's the million dollar question. Now much trouble can one be in before they smarten up??? I'm assuming by how he's doing that it can be A TONNNNNNNN MORE!!!!
He has been telling me he doesn't have homework, he got all his work done in class. Well he knows I check his grade on the computer each week. For three weeks I have been asking why he has an F in computer class. He says, he has done all the work, and he's not sure. So...I sent an e-mail to the teacher asking if she just hadn't posted the grades on the assignments online.
Well she called me. Apparently, he's had two assignments that's he had time for two weeks to do in class, and he did NOTHING!!! So...she told him to bring them home and do them with his writing program. They got shoved in his backpack and not mentioned again. Oh hell yeah he was in some major trouble. He worked for 3 hours last night on one, and over an hour tonight on the other. I was spittin mad.
It's been major temper issues with this kid for the past couple months. Stomping, slamming, throwing, clenching fist and teeth and shaking, and growling. (that growling thing is gonna be the death of him, cuz one of us is gonna kill him when he does the loud growl, grunt thing in our face) I know it's a stage, I mean I've been talking with the other mom's. But he may not live through this stage. Or have any possessions left once we are done punishing him all the way. hahahaha
There's been alot more stuff than just the school work here lately too. Lets see, not going to sleep, getting up 15 times or more after he's supposed to be asleep, pushing the dog off his lap in the car cuz he was mad at me, pulling the other dogs hair cuz he was angry. Yeah, I snapped at that. Won't tell you what I did, cuz I might go to jail. hahahahahahaa
Subject change. I'm taking all three dogs to the vet tomorrow. They all need major toenail clippings. We usually do them ourselves, but Buster's veins are right at the end, and I have no stop bleed sticks. Dribbles squirms, and Foxy bites at us when we do hers. So...I said fuck it we are gonna just take them to the vet. Buster needs a check up also. He's been having some problems.
Granted his 13 years old. And he's had both knees replaced in the back. He can barely walk now though, and his left front leg/shoulder is killing him. But he also has started this weird cough thing, and I think he's going blind. And he has been panting....ALOT. So...I want him checked.
Well...I have bored you all enough, I'm gonna go try to get some sleep. Bet you all 10 bucks the kid comes in the minute I turn the lights out. And I bet you 20 bucks, that no matter where you live you will hear me blowing my top. hehehehehe
Have a good Thursday all!!!!
Trump GOLFS as His World FALLS APART
1 hour ago
You know, aside from a fist up side the head or a knee to the nuts, a visit to the doctor might do him some good. I know he is a teen with all the hormonal and growing issues, but it wouldn’t hurt to have him checked for drugs and go through a touch of therapy for anger management. If all that works out okay, then beat the shit out of him.
ahhh honey, you know I have 4 sons so I have been there....I hate to tell you that this kind of behavior will last until he is about 14!!! 11-12 SUCKS...has he hit puberty yet? You know, hair and stink and all??? I promise its a phase,,,,its a REAALLLYYY LOOONNNNGGGGG phase...
At least he isnt a girl...theres always that...
PS you cant kill him!!! You should do something he totally does NOT expect...the troll~ings are always shocked when I have the OPPOSITE reaction of the one they are trying to get out of me...My favorite is to say "WOW is that what we are doing today?? Im sorry your feeling so bad, maybe you should stay in your room for a little while, while I make dinner" then you ignore them. They HATE that...they WANT you to react!! so dont!! it really buggers them!!!
Send Kiddo to England, i'll turn him into the perfect English Gentleman!
coffey--yeah he needs an appointment anyway, so he needs some shots. I'll get a giggle in anyways.
mom--thank you for letting me know it's a stage. Yeah he's got the acne, hair, stink, but no real bad squeak to his voice yet.
cookie--I'm not sure he'll survive, you might ship him home in pieces. heheheheh
Oh I went through something similar to that with Kat when she was that age. She told me she didnt have homework, then complained of stomache aches all the time. Eventually her teacher told me that it's cuz she wasnt doing her assignments. She had the audacity to tell the teacher that I, me, was out partying all the time and was never home. I was like WTF. Yeah I never go out, so that was a major lie. It took 2 weeks to get her caught up. I threatened to take her out of dance. That worked for me. Lol, but she now occasionally she has different issues.
If estrogen has an ocean then testosterone has a sea!
I swear boys at that age go through equally what our parents suffered through with our female drama. It is just different.
Good news!! It does get better...
in a few years.
Whoops, sorry..what was that sound? Screaming and gnashing of teeth??????
Dang it I hit enter too soon.
Drew's nephew had some of the same issues around that age along with school trouble and he was diagnosed with an anger disorder. It took meds but he did a 360 immediately which eased his parents mind that it wasn't "all in the doctors head".
He was able to get off them at 14 or so and has been fine ever since. I am not an advocate for drugging children unnessarily but it was Strattera I believe and it worked.
burf...sorry, i have no idea about boys! girls play head games, i know that!
miranda--yeah I know that I was hell on my mother so hopefully boys will be better.
K--yeah I just think the anger right now is him trying to find himself. I will keep an eye on it though.
Libby--*sigh* boys.
Lol @ You were hell on your mother....well guess what Burf...winks, its pay back time for your mom. You do know shes up there having a great time watching?
My kid is doing the same with his homework but the aggression hasn't shown yet.
Good luck with that.
And I hope the pup is ok.
Miranda--I'm sure she's laughing her butt off.
Hammer--yeah you too, just another stage they go through.
*big hugs*
i think ir's the change in weather. the girls have been acting up a bit too...there's all ways coffee and good friends to chat with when we can find the strengh to reach out to each other...*smiles*
good luck at the vets! your bringing in all three at the same time? your a brave, brave woman!!
love yeah girlie!
bbs-sorry i had to leave so quickly.
coffee and smiles coming to you soon. we need to catch up!!
You know, Kayla was like that for a long time...Well, she still is, sometimes :) She is a good kid, but gets frustrated soo easily. I put her in counselling for a bit and I spoke with her teachers about what was going on...Things have drastically improved, but just last week I got a call from one of her teachers. She didn't hand in one of her assignments and her grade was sitting at 51 b/c of it.
I mean, WTF? If she would have just handed it in, if it was complete garbage, she still would have gotten a whopping 20%. That's not much, but it is way batter than oh, say..0%!
I dunno. She has been soo good for a long time now, and now she is doing this agin? I am gonna chalk it up to stress..
Honestly, for a while there I didn't think that she was going to see her 16th birthday. Good news is that she is 17 now and these brain farts come less and less. It really DOES get easier. You just gotta make it through NOW :)
kerry--thanks hun
Biddie--I know we all wish it didn't happen, but it's always nice to know we aren't alone in dealing with it.
I'm laughing at the title of your post LOL And want to answer....oh a whole lot more. But I won't say that because that's just mean :o) Keep hanging in there. They do eventually grow out of it.
Teaching our kids how to handle their frustration, anger and feelings in general is a HUGE task for parents. And, it's hard to teach when you haven't mastered it yourself. lol Good luck with the boy-man. I have an 11 year old that's getting hormonal surges these days...getting moody and more difficult.
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