Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I was tagged and I don't mean spray painted!!!!

Okay I was tagged by Crystalchick over at Mary says....

I guess I was tagged for something by her long time ago, and yeah well I forgot. So...she tagged me again, and I thought I would do this one at least. hehehehe

So here goes.

Six Unimportant Things

here are the rules.

1. Link back to the person who tagged you. (it's up there see)
2. Post these rules on your blog (right here see)
3. Share six unimportant things about yourself (down there see)
4. Tag six people to do this.

Ummm not gonna follow number 4 so much. But if you wall wanna do it, then please do and let me know so I can go read your unimportant stuff. hehehehe

Here we go.

1. I have a big gap in my front two top teeth. Not a gap, but a OMGGGGGG THAT'S HUGE!!! gap. My front two teeth are very large. Unfortunately I gave the teeth and gap to my son, but his sorta jut out a bit. Poor guy.

2. I'm on day two of the 10 days it takes to make Amish Friendship bread. My mother in law showed up with the started yesterday, so we are attempting it. So many dam days of just massaging the bag of starter. I feel like a pervert. hehehehe

3. I get a sick thrill when I have really rank gas. Let me explain. I live in a house of boys. Boys that find farting funny. Farting in any way shape or form. (hubby started this mess) They love to run up beside me, fart and run off giggling. So...when my poor tummy doesn't like something I ate, and I have the RANKEST gas ever. I love to sit in close quarters with them and get revenge. *insert really evil laugh here*

4. I have to have my husband lay "just so" in bed or I can't seem to fall asleep. He always jokes and asks me "if he is comfortable yet" hahahaha But in reality I get my best sleep when he's not in the bed at all. I've debated telling him to sleep in another room, when I get way over tired.

5. I'm a picker. I pick at things. Scabs, crusty eyes, hangnails. I pick them all till they are sore or bleeding. I even pick goobers out of my pets eyes. When my son was a baby I would pick his eyes and even clean his nose obsessively. He hates it when I try to go at his face with my nails. hehehehehe

6. Even though I've told everyone I'm fine with the fact I can't have any more children, and that my life is complete. I'm still very saddened that I could not have any more. (don't tell me adopt, cuz we have looked into it and tried for over 10 years, all the doors seem to shut, so we came to terms that it was never meant to be) And in being saddened I guess I'm still sorta angry at God about it all.

Okay that's it, that's my 6, very unimportant things. hehehehehe it...let me know!!

I'm outa here
Have a good Tuesday everyone.


Biddie said...

I hear you when it comes to number 6. I have three kids, and I know that I am lucky, but I have had so many miscarriages and a stillborn son, and I feel ripped off.
I know that I should remember that there are some people that should have children and can't....I really do need to count my blessings more often :)

Coffeypot said...

#4, the ‘just so’! What does that mean? What position does he have to be in so you can sleep? Or does the ‘just so’ mean that you can sleep anyway you want ‘just so’ you keep your fucking hands off me?

Burfica said...

biddie--I hear ya, I thank god every day for the one I had, but I did want more. Two times on fertility drugs just didn't work the 2nd time around.

Coffeypot--"just so" means he has to move back on his side (facing away from me) with his shoulders close, butt not so close, legs folded back so I can prop my foot on them and my arm on his side, and he must be molded just right in that nook or I get pissy. hehehehe

Special K said...

I will do it just give me a few minutes.
I have SUCH a pretty picture of you in my head now. Sitting on the couch, looking like Lauren Hutton, farting and picking anything and everything around you.

No wonder I love you.


Alekx said...

You forgot to mention your curly nose hairs

Burfica said...

K-- you mean looking like jaba the hut. hehehehe

Alekx--shhhh they aren't ready for info like that yet. heheheh

Vanessa said...

Sorry about number six. :(

Burfica said...

vanessa--yeah some days life hands you a turd sandwich and it goes down better with humor and lots of ketchup. hehehehehe

none said...

I pick at scabs and pop zits on my kids too they are not thrilled.

We looked into all kinds of adoption too and found the state's (child protective servies)adoption and foster programs were easy to get into and were subsidized by the state.

Burfica said...

Hammer--we are thinking of foster, once we get all moved. We will have to look into it again.

Joy T. said...

"asks me if he is comfortable yet" ok that's just priceless LOL And #6 is sad. Not sure what to write but wanted you to know I'm sorry to hear that. It sounds like your trying hard to come to terms with it.

captain corky said...

My wife sent me an email once suggesting that marriages where the couples sleep in different beds are more successful. She thought it was funny... ;)

CrystalChick said...

Good morning chickie! Glad you did this one. Now I am remembering the other one was something about memories of cooking. But this one was just as fun!
I have had so many visits to the dentist office for everything from the smallest cavity to root canal, crowns, surgery, etc. More stuff inherited from the family. LOL
I remember making that bread YEARS ago. Probably 15 atleast.
Getting comfy in our bed is almost impossible. Hubby sleeps on the edge on one side and I'm on the other and the one dog has the bottom and the other dog is sprawled out in between us. I took Advil BEFORE bed last last night cause we usually wake up stiff. LOL
I'm sorry that you aren't able to have more kids of your own but like Hammer mentioned, foster care might be a good option. Friends of ours started fostering after their daughter was grown with kids of her own. They ended up adopting one of the babies they took in and he is the perfect addition to their family.
When it's meant to be it will happen for you!
Enjoy your day. :)

Burfica said...

joy--yeah just one of those bumps in life. hehehe

corky--I swear some nights I would prefer he wasn't fidgeting, stealing covers, and hogging the bed.

crystal--I've been pretty lucky with dentist, other than that surgery for that broken wisdom tooth, my teeth are fine. Two of my dogs are too big and old to get on the bed anymore, but we do share it with one and a cat. lol

ThreeOliveMartini said...

well i dont think 6 is unimportant.. but interesting.. and you know what.. things happen the way they should.. i know and you know you didnt get a fair shake.. seems to happen to the good ones most..

Anonymous said...

Kids are like chocolates. It doesn't matter how many you have you always want one more.

I sleep alone and like it that way. Hey wait a minute. Could that be why I only have one kid? LOL