Friday, April 04, 2008

The List of Shit!!!

I love that kitty picture!!!!

What is the list of shit you may ask. Well it's the list my husband is on. Yup, he's on my shit list.

You all know I love my husband, to a fault I might add. But like any boneheaded man, he can be a complete irritating idiot. Now I have no intentions of getting rid of him. Stabbing him with a fork repeatedly maybe, but not getting rid of him. (besides after 15 years I figure it causes him more pain if I keep him around)

Now he's not on my list for the three irritating things he has done for 15 years and I have yelled at him about almost every day. Like putting his baseball caps on the back of the couch, or his belt on the coffee table or his socks on the kitchen table. No...I've just resigned myself to keep yelling about that.

He's not on it for not doing what's asked of him, until I have to blow a fricken gasket and my head spins around, and then he does it.

He's not even on my list, for me giving him two dates a month in advance to get off early to go to a couple things we had to, and him never telling his effing boss and not getting the time off. No...he's close to being on the list for that, but really he isn't.

Why my husband is on my list and why he is a HOT STEAMING BOWL OF FUCK!!!

Is because after I woke him up last night. (if you all know what I mean) and I was most accommodating I might add. Well then he gets up this morning, and fills the entire house full of yummie breakfast smells. And he makes chorizo and egg burrito's. And me and the kid were like OooO yumm as we were waking up. Then get what the Fucktard did??? He took every last one with him to give the guys out at work. He didn't even make sure we had a burrito or even a scrap of egg to eat. And the house smelled all good.

So....I call the King of Dorkasses on the cell phone to yell at him about it. To tell him how much it upset me. Did he appoligize, did he grovel, did he rush out and get us some breakfast, did he show remorse. Hell to the fuck no!!!! He fucking laughed. He laughed and laughed.

He is sooooo very much a dead man when I see him again. (not dead as in can't breath anymore, but probably as in he wish he couldn't breath anymore)

Anyhow, I'm off to get my nails done.

Have a good Friday everyone!!!!


Biddie said...

I'll tell ya, if Shawn made the house all fragrant with yummy food smells like that, and there was nothing for me...He would NOT be laughing :)

Burfica said...

biddie---EXACTLY!!!!! see why he's dead???

Christine said...

Call him back and see what time your gormet dinner will be ready that he is going to cook for you.

Burfica said...

christine--I don't think I will, cuz when he laughs again, I'll take the pistol and hunt his sorry ass down. hahahaha

Vanessa said...

You have the best pics here!

Dorko said...

You had me at the Kitty-Zilla pix...
But then I read on...
LOL, lol, LOL!
He IS feeling oatsy isn't he?
YOU must have been "superbly" accomodating last night.

Special K said...

I would file divorce over the socks on the table. Every other sin is forgivable. UGH!!

Burfica said...

vanessa--I love these pics

dorko--he's a dead man I say.

K--it would be divorce if it was dirty socks that's for sure.

Rhea said...

This happened the morning after you woke him up in the middle of the night for some lovin'? That's just wrong.

Burfica said...

rhea--yup, that's why he's on my list. The scaly bastard.

Mia said...

lol @ stabbing him with a fork. Great pic!

Phoenix5 said...

I resent being lumped in with all the other "bone-headed" men! LOL! Sometimes, your giant one boggles my mind!

Coffeypot said...

Soooo, you got screwed twice. Once last night when you woke him up and once this morning when you expected food and got smells instead. Lucky you.

Burfica said...

miranda--I'm always armed with a fork.

Phoenix--I'm sure you would probably boggle his too. lol

coffey--yeah basicly only not the good kind this morning.

Todd Camplin said...

The static energy from 30 cats can start a car, but I think, this cat would do the work of 30.

Burfica said...

Todd--maybe they could fuel a car some day, then we wouldn't need gas, just kittens. hahahahaha

Joy T. said...

LOL ok I'm not laughing with your husband, just the way you tell this LOL I hope you got those nails done nice and pointy sharp. Better to gouge him with!

Neoma said...

Was it Libby who said, you can't live with em, can't kill em......

so true, so true, my husband is almost 99 percent of the time on my shit list.......but then he tries really hard...haha