Monday, February 18, 2008

So sick

OMG we are so sick. Woke up feeling worse than the last few days combined.

Gigantor got off early, we went to the Urgent Care. Took almost 3 hours.

We both have sinus infections and on the verge of Bronchitis. Bronchial infections.

We both got inhalers, that should help with the cough, and how out of breath I am. I can't even walk to the bathroom from the living room without taking a break in between.

And we both got antibiotics. Gigantor got the z pack, I didn't (allergic) I got bactrim, 800 mil twice a day for 12 days. Yeah I have like zero sinus resistance and immunity, so they hit me hard.

My lungs act worse when I get stuff like this too, seems to be aftermath from the time I had valley fever so bad that I almost died.

Pray we get some sleep, and get well soon, and not give it to Kiddo.

I'll be lurking for a few days till I feel better.

have a good week all!!!


none said...

I had the z pack too. Take care this is really bad stuff.

Mucinex really helps. I just hate how expensive that crap is.

Anonymous said...

Feel better!

I woke up today feeling pretty awful myself, all in the throat and head.

Burfica said...

hammer--Gigantor is taking mucinex, it was making me cough to much more for my poor lungs.

birdman--don't mess around with it, go to the doc if your not better in a day or two.

Anonymous said...


Feel better soon. (I can't shake this illness either)

I love your dragon!

Anonymous said...

I've got it too. It's everywhere. Maybe it came in on a load of toothpaste from China.

Coffeypot said...

I got a clean-wipe for the keyboard so you want infect us. Hope you get to feeling better,too.

Biddie said...

Oh man, you need to rest and take care of yourself! We'll be waiting, no worries about that.
Now, really, get off of the computer and get some sleep!

jAMiE said...

Awww, take care k...of each other..and i hope the kids dont get sick too.

Keep warm!

captain corky said...

Get lots of rest Burfica! Some tea with lemon and honey might help sooth your throat.

Phoenix5 said...

Feel better soon!

As for me, I have the worst headache... came home early from work it was so bad... yet it's not a migraine, so I don't dare take the migraine meds.

Canadian flake said...

Wowzers, I came to tell you I am really sick but still alive...and here you are even sicker...ughhhhhh

feel better soon honey.

Love you

Mia said...

Aww sends over the care package....'echinacea, vitamin c,a,b,d,hot tea, hot chicken soup, a warm blanket....and lotsa hugs'


SIMON said...

Hugs and kisses all round but hang on I don't want to catch anything...... I'll just wish you the best of speedy recoveries from over here then, way over here......

Special K said...

Feel better soon! We got it all here too but alas it is viral, I have to wait for it to infect me to get real relief, no fair! Well cheaper I guess but longer to suffer. 7 days with antibiotics or without as my doctor says..LOL
Miss you, take care!

Mike Todd said...

Dang! Everyone in here's sick. Burf, I hope you and your fam are feeling better soon. I'd say more, but I can't hold my breath any longer.