Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Aftermath.

Doesn't this funny just make you hork water out your nose??? It's so wrong and so funny at the same time.

I did my little rant, I feel much better. I thank you all for your support kind words, and e-mails. I lubs ya all!!!! Here have a peep. h ahahahahahhaa

I think I'm going loony from the dog farting so much behind me. It's so dam loud that I laugh uncontrollably every time he does it. hahahahaha

I'm waiting on Gigantor to come home, I need to go mail my shit off, and go to the bank. (not litteraly mail shit) I'm finally mailing out Cookie Monsters Christmas box. hahahah I know I suck peeps. muuuuaaaaahhahahahahahahahha

Please god save me, I think all the fumes from the exterminator earlier are making me more loopy than usual.

Okay I have to pee, so I'm gonna go.

Thank you again all my dear blogger buddies.

loves ya all lots
Have a good rest of the Tuesday!!!!!


Kerry M. Conway said...


That's wrong!!! That's so wrong!!! I love it!!!

Dog farts? Exterminator fumes? No! No! You must smell monkey farts!!!


Phoenix5 said...

Have you tried opening a window? *snark!* ;-)

Burfica said...

Kerry--yes I must try the monkey farts.

Phoenix--from the gas, I opened the door and windows, that's where I got the exterminator fumes, when he had sprayed outside. I was doomed today.

Special K said...

Kerry I am trying to pretend this candle you speak of smells like bananas because my brain can't wrap around the actual smell of a fart, much less coming from a monkey's butt would be that pleasant. Hee.

Burfi--anytime I would never go schizo on you! :)

Kerry M. Conway said...


maybe i should send you some monkey fart candles too, special k!

Burfica said...

K--I think we are the right amount of snark to complement each other. hehehehe


captain corky said...

My wife gotta a pretty big kick out of that peep pic.

I think you might have to do something about that dog... ;)

CrystalChick said...

I will have a hard time making up the easter baskets for the kiddies without thinking of this! LOL
Glad you got to rant yesterday and can move on now. Blogging/messaging/gaming should all be FUN! Not worth the hassle when it gets like that.

Happy hump day! ;)

Alekx said...

Damn now I know what the peeps are doing in the privacy of the cupboard when no one is looking

Burfica said...

corky--yeah he's old so we let him limp and fart.

Crystal--thank god my son doesn't like peeps. hahahaha

Alekx--yeah sticky fun. hahhaaha