Sunday, March 16, 2008

Help I need HELP

Okay I have a challenge for you all, or maybe even a question and plead for help. Basically if I have photo shop I don't know how to use it.

But Gigantor and the guys at work want to make some picture, and have asked me if I could, and I have no clue how to. I told them that maybe I would ask all you geniuses see if any of you could figure it out.

Then maybe you all could e-mail it to me and I can print it out.

Anyhow. They are after getting this co worker back, for some horrid things he does, and his nick name is Pooh.

They want to take a picture of a monkey or chimp or something with a pooh bear in his hand, and then put the caption FLINGING POOH on it, and put it on his truck. hahahahaha

If any of you can figure out how to do that through photo shop, could ya hook a sister up???

I'll forever be in your blogger debt. hahaha

Have a good Sunday all, we are watching t.v. and having corned beef and cabbage with Captain Daddy.


CrystalChick said...

LOL Sounds like fun. I have photoshop and sort of know what you want to do, just have never done it. So-far, I've only used it to subtract a few unwanted pounds or fix some blemishes, highlight color... basic stuff. I haven't come close to learning anything advanced.
Sound like you want to merge two pictures together... so here are a couple links to tutorials I found online. There are tons of them out there, just have to get lucky with the right keywords to help find them. Start with these and go from there.
After you follow the basic instructions and have the final blended picture you want, there's a tool in the photoshop kit... in my version it's a T for text. Click on that, it'll give you a box and you can move it and pick a font, size, color, etc.

and this one:

Sorry I can't walk you thru the project, but maybe the links will get you started. I am taking a workshop for photography the end of the month... maybe I'll learn something fun like this there!

Special K said...

I could do it for you too, quicker than learning photoshop in a day! LOL

captain corky said...

I wish I could help, but I have enough trouble turning this damn computer on and off! I'm sure it will be funny when you get finished with it!

Burfica said...

crystal--we have a friend been taking photography in college courses, he loves it.

K--whoohooo could ya???

corky--that's the way I am, barely turn it on. lol

Vanessa said...

Hey, I got mad skills, unfortunately they don't include photoshop skills.

jAMiE said...

Sorry, i can't help either, it's not something i use.

Happy St Patrick's day though!

Special K said...

email me the picture! I am not promising Rembrant but it will serve the purpose very well! LOL I think it would be fun. Just let me know exactly what you want done!
I will check back in a little while!

Burfica said...

vanessa--I'm with you, I got mad skills but nothing to help with this.

Jamie--happy St. Patty's to you too

K--dammit now I have to go find a photo or something huh?? Give me time. lmaooooo

Special K said...

I can find the pooh and stuff, just the one you want flinging it will be fine! HA!

Special K said...

Ok I can find a monkey too, duh, I thought it was a pic of the man flinging pooh. Ok, I am getting on it unless you have a specific one (monkey) in mind.

Burfica said...

K-- nope you go for it g/f heehehehe

Special K said...

I got it done! I am emailing it to you right now, hope you like it, if you really don't tell me, there are a million other pics I can find.

Special K said...

I sent it to you just now, the Burfica yahoo email you have for blogger!