Monday, March 17, 2008

Okay here is the vent/rant

You all don't have to read this, it is more for me to feel better, so be warned.

As I said I was going to be deleting someone off, and I did.

Let me give some back ground. I met this person about 2 years ago in the game site pogo. We seemed to hit it off. We exchanged msn messenger and talked often, she even started blogging. Now nobody is without problems, we all have them, hell I have lots of them. I thought we were there for each other and talked to each other about everything.

A few things bugged me though, I tried to over look them but they bugged me.
1. She would constantly complain about her children. Once or twice is okay, even funny, but it was constant. Wanting them to go back to school and leave her alone, wanting to strangle them, just wanting them to not bug her at all. I tried to blow it off, but she would put it on her blog, and on her MSN bar. Then she would try to justify it about how much she loved them. It was just to much, it said volumes about her (my uncle always said when people say nasty things it says more about them then who they are talking about.) In most cases that is true.

2. She did the same thing about her husband, always saying she was gonna kill him and hide the body, again once or twice funny, every single day, not so much.

3. We would be in game rooms chatting and I would be saying the same things as the rest of the room (pertaining to our progress in the room) And she would always call me a bragger. That used to tick me off, cuz my mother taught us that was a pretty bad thing to be. I was only doing what everyone including her was, and I thought we were all teasing. When I would tell her such, she would tell me I was bragging more than anyone. Whatever, I stopped talking in the rooms.

4. One time I told her something that bugged me about what a couple people did in the games we played. Her response was that I was more competitive than any man she met (now she told me this when I had just lost multiple games for her to get a badge, lost on purpose) Then she goes, that's one of your biggest faults, but I love ya anyway.

5. This was the biggest one. I would message her and it would take sometimes 5 or 10 minutes for her to answer. She would say sorry she was off doing this or that, well no biggie, we all have lives outside of the computer. But if I took more than 10 seconds or so to answer, I would get a "fine you want to be alone I'll leave you alone" and she would sign out of messenger.

Well last week was the last straw I guess.

Her and I had talked for a couple hours the night before, laughing and joking and having a good time with a bunch of other people in a game room.

The next morning, I signed on to MSN saw her online and I say Morning

She says NO it's NOT but whatever
(now she's three hours ahead of me, so I hurried and did the counting, nope still 11 there) I say "oh I thought it was only 11 there"

She says, "Whatever, I meant it wasn't a good morning." (so in the joking way we usually do) I say "OH well I said morning, not that it was good hahahaha"

She says, "LISTEN it isn't a good day, I'm bitchy!! SORRY"
so before I step into it any further (because sometimes when she has had a bad day and I try to help she tells me to butt out) I say "Would you rather be left alone then hun?" (I thought that was nice, asking first, my next words were gonna be to ask her if I could help and what was wrong.) She then says. "Listen!! I said Sorry, but do WHATEVER you want." and she signed out of msn as soon as she sent that message.

My jaw dropped, I was sorta ticked off she treated me that way. First of all how could I tell how bad a day she was having through a fricken messenger if she wasn't talking, and 2nd how dare you treat a friend that way, when they were being nice. And thinking of all the other times she had just signed out on me, and thinking of how rude that was. I guess I had had enough.

I messaged her in the pogo mail. I had said. That was dam rude. I understand your having a bad day, but it's not my fault, and I didn't realize how bad, but that is rude behavior to not give me a chance to say anything. I also said, how I didn't appreciate being treated that way, that I wouldn't put up with it from other people, so I wouldn't put up with it from her who is supposed to be my friend, and that I did NOT deserve to be treated that way. I also said that I didn't' say anything wrong, I was trying to be nice asking her something so I wasn't going to apologize for trying to be nice.

I get a message back, that was short and sweet.

It said, You can act all perfect if you want, I know better, cuz you ARE NOT PERFECT. and that she had had the past 24 hours from hell (funny we were laughing and joking 8 hours previous) and that I didn't even ask her if she was okay (first I didn't know things were wrong, I got shut out to fast and how can I ask someone that signs out and won't give me the chance) Then she said that since I was so perfect and couldn't be a friend to check on her, she was deleting me out of everything, blog, messenger, game site, e-mail, everything, and that I would never hear from her again.

I tried sending her a couple other messages, and it just got worse and worse from her. Scary worse. Can anyone say Bi-Polar and needs major meds??? Good god.

I'm not perfect, I have never tried to be, hell I tell people up front I have lots of faults. But I also don't point out other peoples faults to their face like she was constantly doing to me. Even some that I didn't think I had, and neither does anyone else, cuz I asked.

I totally hate that when someone says something she doesn't like, that she deletes them. And she also says horrid thing to them, on their blogs alot. I know for a fact that she has done it to Special K and to Miranda and Susan, and to Dorky Dad who I used to read, and she told me she did it to a few others.

I guess what upsets me most, is that I invested two years in what I thought was a "real" friendship that could surpass time and trials, and the first thing I don't bow at her feet and agree with her with, she deletes me out of everything. I'm most upset that I invested time in something that wasn't a true friendship.

Anyhow that is my rant, non of you had to stick with it. A lot of you know I'm a fierce loving friend, and will stick up for ya through tons of stuff. I just hope I get alot of that respect back, but let me tell ya, I'm gonna be on the look out for Bi-Polar maniacs not taking meds. hahahaha

Have a good Tuesday all!!! We are on spring break so having fun so far.


Vanessa said...

Was this, by chance, my mother you were talking about? Her behavior is almost exactly as you describe. She is mentally ill and has something called Borderline Personality Disorder. Regardless, say good riddance to this person and move forward free of the weight they were to you.

Burfica said...

Vanessa--the funny thing is, after all this, I realized how their depression and mood swings were making me be in not such good spirits.

Marni said...

You did the right thing by getting rid of her... she isn't worth the effort. And all the "faults" you have are more than likely her own... she just wants to make herself feel bigger.

Had a friend like that one time and finally just said "bye". Don't let someone else bring you down... time is too short. She was in your life to teach you a lesson -- learn from it and move on.

melody said...

My sweet burfie, you don't have to take that shit from anyone. My god, you've been so good to me, I sometimes can't believe you're real. And I haven't been there for you in the way that I should and let me say here and now that I LOVE YOU, DUDE!!

You are a good and wonderful person. Don't ever let anyone tell you differently.

Kerry M. Conway said...

monkey farts! you need monkey farts!! *FOTFLOL*

monkey farts is a scented candle which i love!! i am going to send you one, as soon as you email me your address again...

sorry about bi-polar chick. want for me to kick her ass? *raises an eyebrow and smirks*


i love you doll.


ps. i am home today with kayla k. poor darling has the stomach flu. awww. me poor baby!!!

cookie monster said...

That wasn't a rant, a rant has much more profanity in it!

Still, you sound well shot of the psycho hose beast.

~SugarBear~ said...

Yikes! Sounds like you are better off without Ms. Nut-job on your messenger list.

Her roller-coaster moods are something you shouldn't have to deal with.

Seems like a few nuts & flakes must fall into all our lives once in awhile. Take care, we love you even if you do think you're perfect. ;)

Burfica said...

marni--Yes I'll take it as a lesson well learned.

miss ann--ty my dear and I love you to dude!!!

Kerry--I love your smirks, now I have to get you to send me the monkey farts candle cuz I'm curious. hahahah

cookie--yeah it was hard to write without my colorful grammer.

C--yeah I'm actually feeling pretty good about the whole thing.

Special K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Special K said...

Typos anyone?
Short version. She went nuts because I said people in cold blizzard countries should suck it up and quit blogging about it every day.
Yep, apparently that is some serious shit. She went nuts, deleted me, left a comment on my blog and faded off into the sunset.
Burfi said she does it all the time. I couldn't understand why someone as sweet as Burf would put up with that but that is just IT, she did because she is a good friend and too sweet for her own good (whether she admits it or not).
Anyway, congrats for getting that schizo,bi-polar, narcissitic loon out of your life!
I am all for love and understanding for the crazy but Christ in a cartoon, when is enough enough?

captain corky said...

You don't deserve to be treated like that, and she sounds like a very immature and nasty person.

Burfica said...

k--yeah I was totally shocked by what she did to you.

Corky--thank you, I don't think anyone that is not "evil" deserves to be treated that way.

Special K said...

Well at least she admits she is a flake.
Heh. Just don't call her snow flake apparently

Burfica said...

K--yeah don't say anything about snow or canada, or she will delete your ass after she chews it out.

jAMiE said...

Hmmmm...i'm sorry for all of this but it sounds like you did the right thing for you and that can never be wrong. I have a feeling i know who you are talking about...but i won't ask.

Take care of you, k...hugs!

Coffeypot said...

So why are you even obsessing about the bitch? You have said she is wacko, and you have given more of your time than she is worth. Just write her off as a bad investment and, if she tries to contact you again, just ignore her. If she keeps on bothering you, let me know and I will send 'No Neck Guido' to break her legs (or her fingers so she can’t key anymore.)

Burfica said...

jamie--yeah you probably do, here is my side, I would never ask anyone else to choose, I am fine if people are friends with us both.

coffey--I wrote this as a vent for myself, I do feel fine about it. But yeah I'll keep ya bookmarked as having the guy I need to take care of sticky situations. hehehehe

Dorko said...

Wh-whAT's this?
I LOVE you!
(hovers, protectively)
I read through the whole story... sounds like even then [typing your little heart out] you were trying to be as fair as possible with your hurt.
I've had to deliberately sever friendships before - it's as rare for me as it is for you, but, darlin', dang it, life is just too short for some people's chit.
Especially if they have a bad habbit of dumping said chit all over you and or their other so called 'loved ones'.
Some folks just don't get it...
That when you love someone, you honor them with the best you can give - not continually burden the relationship with the worst of the worse.
That is not THEM being a friend to YOU!!!
(You are a smart cookie to realize it, too.)
Chin up, my otherwise, chipper, dear friend... onward!

Burfica said...

dorko--I love you to death you know???

Phoenix5 said...

I think I'm gonna stay out of this one...

Burfica said...

phoenix--good idea, I would never make you choose, I'm not that kind of friend.

Mia said...

SHould of started back in time and gone up. Lol...but I dont think its a big loss for You, you have a ton of friends. You dont need a thats why Im here *WEG*