Monday, November 15, 2004

Shitty Weekend/ Heck Shitty Month

I'm down in the dumps today. I have tried to keep my chin up over this past month. With my knees hurting, then my back going out. With the suburban breaking down twice. With the oven trying to burn the house down, then needing repaired. With the bill collectors on my ass, and with my dad having to call and tell me his boss cancelled his vacation over Thanksgiving. My dad was gonna come spend about 10 days with us. But his stupid ass boss was not willing to pay anyone overtime for him to come up. And this last month with my mom going in the hospital, and us having to take care of her. I have been doing rather well keeping my chin up. But this weekend just puts the Cherry on the top of the Sunday. My sister was headed out for a week long visit, and because of the shitty weather, she had to abort the trip. So...that left us all down in the dumps, then my husbands starter on his truck went kaput. What the hell??? Does someone have it out for us this fall?? Good grief give me a break. I'm now walking around all tense wondering what the hell else is going to happen. I'm sure my husbands boss isn't happy with him. He has had to miss either one whole day or a half day each week for the past 4 weeks, just to get the vehicles repaired.
Okay I'm rather down in the dumps, and not having a very good blog. So...I promise to go take a nap and roll out of bed on the other side this time, and have a better outlook on things. Till next time. Gonna go check out that blogshares, my blogger friend Kitten told me about. See what's on there.


kitten said...

Yay! We are linked!

Sorry things are lookin a bit shitty for you right now. Bills suck. Bill collectors suck even more. As for the Suburban my old one (93) kept breaking down too. So we had to cave and buy a new one complete with DVD and 38 monthly payments of $675.00 ouch. I didnt wanna do it but Ern was gonna have a coronary. And we own a transmission business....not like we were paying someone to work on it. I would have driven it till it rotted into the ground if I had my way. Sorry about your sis's visit , that SO sucks.

Hope you are better after your nap...hey did I tell you we are linked????