Friday, December 03, 2004

Another Poem

I just woke up from some wonderful sleep. I have been tired all week. about 9:30 this morning I decided to go back to bed. I don't think I have crawled back in bed during the day in a few years. I don't even do it when I'm sick. I slept till after noon. Oh my gosh. I think I feel very refreshed. I'm right inbetween that state of feeling great, and maybe feeling ucky. LOL

Okay since my mind is still fuzzy from waking up, and I need to get some food. I thought I would give you another poem from my high school days. (blush)


I saw him there running in the night
His black mane flapping and his body so white
There was no blemish there was no flaw
I just stood and looked in awe

He ran with a lengthy stride
It just made me feel alive
He didn't stumble he didn't fall
The pounding of his hooves made a thundering call

I gave a whistle he came my way
For we both knew it would soon be day
I felt so happy I felt so alive
But I still knew he couldn't be mine

As the sun rose I saw it in his eyes
As he ran away he gave out a mighty cry
I did not shed a tear for I knew deep down
That with each night he'd come round


I know sorta corny. The only thing I loved other than sunsets in this world when I was a teenager was my horses. So...I have a couple or so poems written about them. I feel cheesey about putting this in instead of about telling you about my day. But..I was sleeping, so nothing has really happened yet. Maybe later. hehehehehe Always and adventure here. :)

Happy Friday


kitten said...

Is that about a horse...or gigantor he he he ???

I like that you have saved things like that, it will mean so much more in the future. i throw everything out..thats why this blog thing is good for me.

p.s.. Go over to Ginnys blog (daily haps) i thought something was wrong, i was right...shes in the hospital, but her mom is updateing)

lets send her hugs and good wishes....i know you have lots.

xo kitten

kitten said...

Burf, I thought you had commented to Ginny befor? Am I wrong? Thats why i said to go over there..sorry if I was mistaken...she could use all the support we can give, shes really sick.

have a great weekend, woman!!!

ThreeOliveMartini said...

man.. i slept tooooo long last night and have been on sleep hangover all day.. here's hoping tomorrow i feel better.. and glad you feel so good!!

Alekx said...

Don't be embarassed about your poems. I've told you for years they are good. Anything that comes from your heart is good..
Makes me think of Star...

Burfica said...

Okay of all people Alekx, you should know that this poem was about Buck not Star. ahhhhhhhhhh Okay yes Star was black, hence when I said black mane you thought of him. But if you read it says body so white!!!! Black mane, white body??? Buck----Duh. LOL

Alekx said...

Shesh I meant to type Buck...
It's late..I'm tired
I need to be drunk
I need sex
I need sleep
Maybe in that order maybe not
Love ya anyway