Tuesday, December 14, 2004


Yesterday I would have rather dug my own eye out with a rusty spoon then been in the passenger seat while my husband was driving. Now, he's not the greatest driver anyway, (who is) but he is a pretty good driver. I mean he is one of the best Engineers on the fire dept, and he drives a forklift out at work a lot. He usually is a pretty okay driver. But for some reason yesterday, he was horrible. I thought I was going to die, or someone else. And, he's humming and driving along as if nothing is wrong. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I mean he couldn't use the fricken turn signal to save his life (or mine for that matter) and he kept cutting people off. I think if not for me yelling at him, he would have driven right through the two red lights. All the while, he's humming Christmas songs, acting like he doesn't have a care in the world. Then we decide to grab a burger from McDonalds, cuz he was already late getting back from lunch. (we were mailing off all our packages) On our way to McDonalds from the post office. (lets see about 8 blocks at the most, then around a curve and down a hill) There were two illegal U-turns, no signals, a left turn in a right turn only spot, almost running over a pedestrian who was crossing the street, and a partridge in a pear tree. As we pull into the parking lot, he hits their speed bump so hard that I shoot up in the seat smacking my head into the roof. I am also wearing my seatbelt folks, so I hit my head, and break a collar bone, and squeeze my uterus right on out of my body. arrrgggghhhhhhh At least it felt like that. I yell at him and he goes, oh sorry honey, and continues to hum. We make our order, and as he is headed back for the speed bump I am hurrying getting myself braced, and grab the food, and just manage to grab the drink as it is shooting out of the drink holder. But....I did not grab....the plastic cup we keep in there to hold sunflower seed shells when we decide to eat sunflower seeds in the suburban. is airborne and little shells fly all over the dam place. Man, we finally made it home, but I think my twitch is back. hehehehehehee

I guess he sorta made up for it though. I am very contented today, after a very "good" night in bed. If you know what I mean. hehehehehehee


Alekx said...

har har har teach you to give up gratituious sex right before you want him to drive you somewhere. If he wasn't happy and his usual miserable self you would have been safer.

kitten said...

OOhh..Gratuitous sex!
Very jealous Kitten...
Ern won't touch me, something about the whole motion and puking thing....


Anonymous said...

maybe that is what he was thinking about while he was driving...hehehe

~SugarBear~ said...

I need a new husband......... thinking I should get one that's a bad driver......hmmmmmmmmmm. hehehe