Friday, January 04, 2008

ouch and some relief

Well thank you all for telling me to go to the doc.

Of course I didn't. lol

It turns out to be something like a cyst/boil thing. It popped itself earlier. Drained puss and blood. Nice huh??

I made sure it was cleaned good and everything is doing well.

On another note, I'm sad that Kiddo's vacation is almost over. I love having him home. And I really hate getting up early. hehehehehe

Kiddo got his new glasses the other day. They are such a drastic change that he says everything looks slanted, and he's having a hard time getting used to them, but he sure can see better.

We watched a movie called Stardust today. I thought it was really good, I liked it alot. I'll be keeping an eye out for it to come on sale on Netflix cuz I'm gonna get it.

The husband hasn't done any more yelling since the last time I took him down for it. But he has done a couple eye rolls. One more slap upside the head should take care of that. hehehehe

Okay all I'm off to go do something like hang laundry or something. I really need to be more productive sometimes (been sitting around watching movies with the kid or playing games with him)

Have a good Weekend all!!!!


none said...

I hate it when the kids have to go back too.

Glad your lil blemish took care of itself. :)

captain corky said...

Have a good weekend. Don't drown in all that laundry. ;)

Ryan said...

I don't get the chance to stop by here everyday, but when I do - it's always a surprise: ie "Drained puss and blood"

It's almost like you are writing this just for me!

Burfica said...

hammer--yeah and I know I will bitch after he graduates if he wants tostay home and not get a job. hehehehe

corky--I think I can dig my way out of the laundry, if not I'll curl up and nap.

ryan--you know I was thinking of ya. hehehehe

Libby said...

oh.. yuk...pus & blood...sounds like soup or something! :-D

Coffeypot said...

I didn't say go to the doctor. I said go to the doctor NOW. But, like my wife, you didn't listen either. And you still turned out to be right. Dammitt! I hate it when that happens. And one more slap up side the head would work better if it is with a frying pan. It does around, duh, it does here around, uumm...WHAT??

Alekx said...

I'm all about the slap upside the head thing right now. Mine needs a good damn kick in the ass. hahahaha

Anonymous said...

I tell you what,those boils hurt like a Mo Fo.

I'm glad you were able to take care of it.

Burfica said...

libby--yeah like some soup my sisters in laws would make or something

coffeypot--yeah you men all need a good smack once in a while, problem is you guys usually like it.

alekx--whooohoo put the shit kickers on.

ponderings--yeah it's not as sore but still hurts big time.

Mia said...

Wonders if I'd be pushing it sending you my laundry. I cant seem to get the laundry fairy to show up.

Unknown said...

WHAT? No pictures of the cyst? Dang.

SIMON said...

Burfica you had a blemish, I'm shocked!
Good job for the blood and puss!!

Special K said...

I will tell you this now that you survived (hee!) but I had MRSA all Summer into the fall and while a doc will just lance or mash the crap outta them there are a few places you shouldn't mess with.

One being your groin or breast area.

The other, your face, lips, eyes and mouth.

Glad you are still with us.
Seriously I know you feel better! Use Dial soap and make sure you keep it bandaged until it dries up! Also don't share things with people and wash your stuff/hands often! This is what $$ to the doctor got me so I will give it to you for free! :) HA!

Julie said...

lawdy, I hope you are better, what a process, egads!
I'm glad the hubby is on better behavior and I hope he keeps it up, you are great wife, mother and should be appreciated and honored to the highest! Sometimes they just need an alignment like a car to run right, ha..

Anonymous said...

Hey Burf, your Kiddo should see straight within a few days. I am an expert glasses wearer. Every new prescription has felt like a hangover.

I feel like sharing ... Just before you got that thing on your face, I too had a pimple under a small "beauty mark" on my face. I fiddled around with it so much with hot cloths and alcohol and everything else I could think off that .... get this.... the mole fell right off !! I'm not kidding. It's gone except for a small scar. Damndest thing I've ever seen.

Barbara Doduk said...

Well I am glad it wasn't leprosy *rolls eyes* hahahahaha I had to roll my eyes... please don't bitch slap me upside the head.


Anonymous said...

I read about the cyst/blister and realized that Ihaven't missed much lol

Hope all is well

Canadian flake said...

okies ...well I have been here about 45 minutes catching up on everything I missed while gone...but you forgot to leave out some nibblies and tea..lmao...

I will leave a reminder note for next

Biddie said...

We got screwed out of our vaction this year, and I am bummed that the kids are all back in school.
Sort of.
I love having them home, but I like having the house to myself.
I AM complicated.
Hope your weekend was great :)

Azathoth100 said...

Hope things stay clear with the cysts, they suck. My sister gets them and they have a habit of returning.