Thursday, January 03, 2008

Sprouting Heads

I think I'm sprouting a second head. That or something is very wrong with me. (shut up alekx)

Maybe it was the last trip the aliens took me on. I dunno

But I have this mole that my mother always called my beauty mark. It's on the left side of my face, just up above my lip on that side.

Well it started getting sore just two days ago. Then it started getting big. And I thought. Oh great I'm getting a pimple under my mole. Well I have had those before, they hurt for a couple days, then they get a head and pop (or I pop them) all is said and done.

Well this thing is now fucking huge. It's HUGE I tell you. Like the size of a large grape or something. And it's way purple. Like This kind of purple I mean big time purple and big time huge.

It hurts sooooooooo bad. It's hot to the touch, I can even feel it against my gum, it's so big it's pushing in on my lip there.

Does the mother humper have a head??? Hell the fuckity fuck no!!!! It's just getting bigger and purplerer. (is that a word?? fuck it it is now!!)

I'm afraid if it doesn't go down by tomorrow I may need to go in on the weekend and see if the doctor will lance it or something. It's about to take over my face. (probably be an improvement (hush alekx))

Hell maybe I have leprosy. gaaaahhhh

Hope you all have a leper and boil free Friday!!!!


none said...

I've got one in the exact same place. (we related or something? lol)

Anyway this summer mine started doing the same thing as yours. I bought some salve at the grocery and smeared it on and covered it with a bandaid. It did go back down but it did worry me.

Don't pinch it. and if it doesn't get better in a day or so get the doc to look at it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Hammer. Don't pinch it. Any wound, big or small, is very susceptible to staph infection from hell. Nowadays it's difficult to treat because bugs are becoming resistant to antibiotics.

A woman at work (I work in a hospital) had a hangnail that got infected with staph. That hangnail took months to heal even under doctor's care.

Keep a good eye on it for the next day or so.

Libby said...

i totally agree with hammer! DON'T pop it on your own! you do NOT need it to get infected!! try not to even touch it, cuz, believe it or not, you DO have germs on your hands (lol), and you should try not to touch your face anyway...that's a good way to get the flu...
anyway, i'm worried..go to a doctor in the next couple days or so if it doesnt get better, ok?

Burfica said...

hammer, babzy, libby--I'm trying to decide if ice on it would help or hot pack to bring it to a head. I can't pop it, no head. It would have to be punctured. I'm not in to sticking needles in my face.

I think it's down a tiny bit today, we will see by tomorrow.

Christine said...

Ummmm, thanks for sharing?? lol

Dorko said...

sticking needles in the face *flashback* to them's crazy 80's punk-rockers.
RE: newyears - Did you at least get to have a decent midnight kiss from Gigantor?
I thinking I'd have called a Dr. by now....

MomThatsNuts said...

Sounds like an ingrown hair!!! Very painful I am so sorry!! Did you try warm compresses???


Burfica said...

christine--that's me always sharing.

dorko--nah he was snoring at me. lol

mom--haven't tried that yet.

Libby said...

yeah, christine needs to learn that you're just a 'giver' like me!

Coffeypot said...

I say carry your ass to the doctor. If it is a new head, I hope it has a better brain the the one you have now. Waiting so long...

Burfica said...

libby--yup we sure dish it out.

Coffeypot--no need now.

Canadian flake said...

bluckkkkkkkk...I think I would have been tempted to try a nice hot cloth...thinking the heat might soothe the pain and ease the swelling????