Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Better and Tagged

I'm feeling a bit better today. Thank you all to all your words of advice on how to kill the boys. hehehehe

Now on to Important matters. hehehehe I got tagged by Flake to do this cute little thing. So..... here goes. Lets hope it works.

First Peculiar Aristocratic Title

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Reverend Countess Burfica the Reticent of Fiddlers Green
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

Second Peculiar Aristocratic Title

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Her Noble Excellency Burfica the Herbaceous of Westley Waterless
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

Now my Fortune Cookie

My Fortune Cookie told me:
The greatest danger is all in your head. It is your IQ.
Get a cookie from Miss Fortune

Okay I don't know if this one is good or bad. hehehehe You decide.

I tag Alekx, Cookie and Miranda. Sorta fun guys, play along.

Have a good Tuesday all!!!


none said...

IQ dangerous?

It must be pretty high :)

Burfica said...

hammer--- I wouldn't count on that. hehehehe

captain corky said...

The greatest danger is definitely in my head.

Burfica said...

corky--- Air leak???

Biddie said...

Ok, since I forgot to do my fortune, I did it here...Apparently, I have always wanted to be a comet.
I'd rather have the dangerous IQ :(

Burfica said...

biddie---I did my fortune twice to get this one. The first one said something about fatal lemons stapled to a penguin. Didn't make sense. lol

robkroese said...

Thank God it's in YOUR head, is all I can say.

Canadian flake said...

"The greatest danger is all in your head. It is your IQ"

OMGGGGGGG that is tooooo funny...danger in IQ because it is too high or too low?? lol. Why does Forrest Gump come to mind??

p.s. glad you are feeling better...told ya killing them would help

Burfica said...

diesel---No kidding

Flake---Yeah I'm thinking cuz it's so low. hehehe

Julie said...

I hope those boys starting acting right again, after all, you have those nifty titles and all! What the hell are they thinkin?

Phoenix5 said...

How does one be Herbaceous in a Waterless place? Just curious...

And Burfica the Reticent? Wow, have they got YOU wrong there! *ducks and covers*

That fortune should have been given to me... my IQ is always getting me into trouble.. I'm just too smart for my own good! LMAO! Maybe that's why the sharks are extracting my thoughts... HMMM