Monday, August 06, 2007

Stupid Dang School

School starts next Tuesday. ick, blech, yuck sick. I like him home. hehehe

What a busy ass weekend. I'm almost glad it's the week, but today was busy too.

Friday, Avon meeting, met new district manager, did up my avon order, went to one store. (all that after 6 that night)

Saturday--Delivered most the Avon, 2 stores gone to, cleaned out a section of cupboards (I have alot of the, and this set of 4 had been collecting junk for 10 years.). Got it down to almost nothing in them. Cleaned off a bakers rack that was collecting junk for about as long. Did a million loads of laundry and dishes, vacuumed, cleaned both bathrooms. Made a very late dinner and watched a movie.

Sunday--Stamped Avon books, got most of them handed out, cleaned the kitchen floor, paid bills, straightened all the shelves and tables in the house and dusted. Cleaned bird cage, gerbil cage, and got rid of the goldfish (a neighbor with a pond, they were HUGE). Did more dishes and cooked a roast.

Monday--Went to the chiropractor, did some more laundry, went through pictures back from 17 years ago to present, labeling the envelopes they were in. Went back up town and got Kiddo's schedule and had to have the school talk us through it. Something confusing about A and B days. Stupid dam schools. Finally came home to get on the puter, at least for a bit.

Hope you all had a more relaxing weekend.

I know I know, boring me. lol


none said...

That's a lot of work. I have similar chores but less ambition.

Burfica said...

hammer---hahahhaha the ambition was definatly not there for me either.

Canadian flake said...

Hope you are coming to do my house next. As far as the school goes, I TOLD ya they all suck...lmao. I will be waiting for your maid service to show up at my door..lmao.

Burfica said...

flake--um *snicker* sure....*snork* I'll get right one that...*snark*

Jules said...

Another reason Canada's better, na na na na boo boo! We don't start school till the beginning of September! ;O)

Burfica said...

jules---yeah but do you get out the end of may???

captain corky said...

If I'm not mistaken, it sounds like you worked this weekend. What's all that about? ;)

Anonymous said...

You're not boring. You're quite busy actually.

Burfica said...

corky---I dunno but I need the week to recouperate from all the working I do on the weekends.

JJ--yeah dang busy.